RESCHEDULED Docket No. 2017-0122 – Evidentiary hearing on Hu Honua Bioenergy

Posted on Mar 4, 2022 in News Release, Public Notice

Hu Honua’s Evidentiary hearing is rescheduled to March 1, 2022, thru March 7, 2022.
In Order No. 38215 the Commission lifted the suspension on this docket and resumed proceedings following the Supreme Court’s dismissal of Hu Honua’s Notice of Appeal in SCOT-22-0000024. This page was updated on March 4, 2022

The STATE OF HAWAII PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION (“Commission”) will hold an evidentiary hearing relating to the application of HAWAII ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY, INC. for Commission approval of a power purchase agreement for renewable and dispatchable firm energy and capacity with HU HONUA BIOENERGY, LLC.

The Commission will live stream and record the hearing for convenience of the public to watch. Information for the evidentiary hearing is as follows:


Dates: Tuesday, March 1 thru Monday, March 7, 2022* Monday, January 31 thru Thursday February 3, 2022*
Time: 9:00 am to 4:30*
Location: Online (YouTube Live)

  1. Watch live on the Commission’s YouTube channel
  2. Each day of the hearing will be live-streamed and recorded separately on the Commission’s YouTube channel at

*Hearing dates and times are subject to the call of the Commission chair


The Commission will consider the following issues as set forth in Order No. 37852, filed on June 30, 2021 and as modified by Order No. 37910, as filed on August 11, 2021:

  1. What are the long-term environmental and public health costs of reliance on energy produced at the proposed facility?
    1. What is the potential for increased air pollution due to the lifecycle GHG emissions of the Project?
  2. What are the GHG emissions that would result from approving the Amended PPA?
  3. Whether the total costs under the Amended including but not limited to the energy and capacity costs are reasonable in light of the potential for GHG emissions.
  4. Whether the terms of the Amended PPA are prudent and in the public interest, in light of the Amended PPA’s hidden and long-term consequences.