Imagine a Day Without Water
Posted on Sep 1, 2016 in SpotlightClean and safe water is a fundamental part of our daily lives, protecting public health, ensuring public safety, and supporting our economy. Most Americans take water, and the systems that bring it to and from homes and businesses, for granted. They turn on the tap and safe drinking water reliably comes out. They flush the toilet and they don’t have to think twice about how that wastewater will be taken away and safely treated before it is returned to the environment. However, across the nation, the infrastructure that provides clean and safe water is aging and in need of investment to make critical repairs or replace equipment.
In support of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commission’s (“NARUC”) resolution supporting the Value of Water Campaign’s “Imagine a Day without Water,” on September 16, 2016, the Hawai’i Public Utilities Commission encourages the education and awareness of the role water infrastructure plays in ensuring that our water is clean and safe, and the importance of investing to repair and replace infrastructure when needed.
See the link below to learn more.