
The Public Utilities Commission published a new webpage about the Interconnection Dispute Resolution Process (“IDRP”), established on April 18 in Order No. 39163. This new IDRP aims to expedite resolutions of technical issues that arise during the development of projects selected in Hawaiian Electric’s Stage 3 Request for Proposals. Learn more on our new webpage ...
Read More PUC Establishes new Interconnection Dispute Resolution Process (“IDRP”)

The Public Utilities Commission added a new CDMS Project webpage with information about its new IT project, the Case and Docket Management System (CDMS). CDMS will replace the PUC’s existing DMS with a modern, user-friendly and integrated content and case management workflow solution that can accommodate docketed and non-docketed processes and documents Learn more on ...
Read More PUC Publishes new webpage on CDMS, its IT overhaul project

The Public Utilities Commission added a new webpage with key information describing Hawaiian Electric’s Integrated Grid Planning (IGP) process, which is a collaborative planning effort led by Hawaiian Electric to determine the grid’s needs and how to meet them as the State transitions to 100% renewable energy. Hawaiian Electric filed a Draft IGP Report on ...

The Hawaii Public Utilities Commission seeks public comments on the Integrated Resource Planning (“IRP”) Report and Action Plan filed by Gas Company, LLC, dba Hawaii Gas April 6, 2023 in Docket No. 2022-0009. Broadly, the goal of the IRP Report and Action Plan is to: address and further State policies including emissions reductions and decarbonization ...
Read More Hawaii Gas files its Integrated Resource Planning and Action Plan & seeks public comment

The Renewable Energy Procurements webpage recently underwent a major update to include information on how new renewable energy generation is procured through Hawaiian Electric’s competitive bidding process, a summary of recent resource procurements by island, listing of key orders and filings, and more. Read more on the Renewable Energy Procurements webpage.

The Gas Company, LLC, dba Hawaii Gas submitted its 2022 annual renewable energy report pursuant to HRS 269-45. To view this report and prior years reports, visit the Annual Renewable Energy Report page for Hawaii Gas.

The STATE OF HAWAII PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION (“Commission”) will hold a public hearing relating to the Application of KAUAI ISLAND UTILITY COOPERATIVE (“KIUC”) for Commission approval of rate changes and increases, revised rate schedules, and changes to its tariff. The Commission will host an in-person public hearing for all interested persons as follows: Public Hearing ...
Read More Notice of Public Hearing for Kauai Island Utility Cooperative Rate Case (Docket No. 2022-0208)

The Public Utilities Commission posted notice that it will be holding two opening conference sessions March 1 and 8, 2023 for Docket No. 2022-0250, an investigatory proceeding on how to better integrate energy equity and justice considerations across Commission work. The meetings will be held hybrid so participants can choose to participate in-person at the ...
Read More Notice of Opening Meetings for Energy Equity Docket (Docket No. 2022-0250)

PUC Chair Leo Asuncion has selected Grace Relf to lead the PUC’s Office of Policy and Research (OPR) as its Chief effective Monday, February 6, 2023. Grace previously served over two years as a senior policy analyst in OPR. She holds Bachelor’s degrees in Energy and Environmental Policy and French from the University of Delaware ...
Read More Grace Relf Named Chief of Policy and Research

The Hawaii Public Utilities Commission would like to remind you that the mandatory 10-digit local dialing will start on October 24, 2021. All local calls, including those on the same island, will require that you dial area code 808 before the telephone number.