Energy Equity and Justice (Docket No. 2022-0250)

Background|Announcements|Upcoming Events|Past Events|Participation|Public Comments Tracker|Key Issues|Working Groups|Key Orders|More Information


Energy equity refers to the goal of achieving equity in both the social and economic participation in the energy system, while also remediating social, economic, and health burdens on those historically harmed by the energy system. The Hawaii Public Utilities Commission strives not only to address energy equity generally, but to ensure that existing energy inequity is not exacerbated or overlooked during the renewable energy transition.

The Hawaii Public Utilities Commission opened Docket No. 2022-0250 to investigate how to better integrate equity and justice considerations across Commission proceedings and the Commission’s work more broadly, including in its role overseeing and regulating the functions of public utilities. The Commission also notes that regulatory processes can be challenging to access and will use this webpage to provide regular updates on its progress in Docket No. 2022-0250.


Upcoming Events

Date Topic Description Notice, Agenda, Materials

Past Events

Date Topic Description Notice, Agenda, Materials
March 5, 2025 Disconnections A virtual meeting to discuss utility disconnections best practices, policy solutions, and research-driven strategies with insights from experts in the field. Notice and Agenda



December 9, 2024 Disconnections A virtual meeting to discuss utility disconnections, featuring insights from community organizations on challenges, solutions, and policy recommendations to support affected communities Notice and Agenda


Rental & Utility Relief Program Slides


October 22, 2024 Disconnections Review feedback, receive feedback and learn more about existing disconnection practices Notice and Agenda


RMI Disconnection Report


February 21, 2024 Incorporating equity into RFP bid evaluation Final meeting, presentation of staff report Notice and Agenda



Commission Staff Report


January 29, 2024 Incorporating equity into RFP bid evaluation Proposed solutions: co-design and community energy boards Notice and Agenda




December 12, 2023 Incorporating equity into RFP bid evaluation Proposed solutions Notice and Agenda




November 30, 2023 Incorporating equity into RFP bid evaluation Proposed solutions: Non-Price Criteria and Community Benefit Packages Notice, Agenda, and Pre-reads




October 31, 2023 Incorporating equity into RFP bid evaluation Education and scoping Notice and agenda

Problem Statement Pre-read




July 20, 2023 Docket Workplan Feedback on proposed workplan Order and Workplan



July 6, 2023 Docket Workplan Feedback on proposed workplan Order and Workplan



June 22, 2023 Energy Equity and Justice Docket Presentation Presentation to Maui County Council Efficiency Solutions and Circular Systems Committee Slides
March 8, 2023 Equity Docket (2022-0250) Opening Conference Meeting 2 Notice and Agenda





March 1, 2023 Equity Docket (2022-0250) Opening Conference Meeting 1 Notice and Agenda





December 6, 2022 LIHEAP LIHEAP Working Group Meeting #4 Agenda
November 15, 2022 LIHEAP LIHEAP Working Group Meeting #3 Agenda
October 18, 2022 LIHEAP LIHEAP Working Group Meeting #2 Agenda
September 27, 2022 LIHEAP LIHEAP Working Group Meeting #1 Agenda


Docket No. 2022-0250 is unique in its call for public input and will test new methods of public participation. The PUC encourages anyone interested in providing input to participate.

The PUC is particularly interested in hearing from communities that host energy facilities, people with a high energy burden, and people that do not typically participate in Commission dockets.

You may participate a number of ways including:

    • Submit a Public Comment: Send your input for the Commission’s consideration in a public comment. Your comment will be posted to the official record for Docket No. 2022-0250 for everyone to view. Because the Commission’s goal is to promote broad participation in Docket No. 2022-0250, public comments in this docket will be given the same attention and consideration as formal motions filed by parties, participants, and intervenors.
    • Formal Participation or Intervention: A participant or intervenor is an official party to the docket and as such, you may be required to answer formal questions from other parties. You will also be consulted for input on issues. For more details on intervention and formal participation without intervention, see HAR § 16-601-55 and 56.

Although formal participation or intervention is not required to have your voice heard, for those wishing to be an official party in this docket, the Commission has indefinitely extended the deadline to file a motion to participate or intervene and has waived the $15 filing fee to remove barriers to participation. To take advantage of this waiver, select “Other Motions” option from the “Document Type” drop-down menu when e-filing the motion to intervene or participate.

Public Comment Tracker

The Commission is interested in testing new methods of soliciting stakeholder feedback and ensuring that the feedback is accurately captured in the official docket record in this proceeding. For that reason, Commission Staff has developed a “Public Comments Tracker” that will summarize all public comments provided to this docket and that will provide Commission staff’s initial response to such comments. Given the iterative and flexible nature of the proceeding, any initial response from Commission staff provided in the tracker is subject to change. Public comments can be submitted at any time at, and may reference Docket No. 2022-0250.

Key Issues

The Hawaii Public Utilities Commission (“Commission” or “PUC”) observes that among other challenges, Hawaii’s electricity rates are the highest in the country, many low- and moderate-income residents struggle to pay their energy bills, certain communities have historically shouldered the impacts of hosting energy infrastructure, and that distributed renewable energy is not accessible to all residents. These considerations should be given extra attention now during the State’s accelerating transition to 100% renewable energy.

Following feedback from the opening conferences, the Commission will use this proceeding to consider a suite of actions under five tracks:

  1. Procedural Equity (e.g., developing a PUC equity and justice action plan, improving accessibility of PUC proceedings, improved community engagement and customer education, etc.);
  2. Energy Affordability and Direct Payment Assistance (e.g., rate discounts, subsidies, bill credits, etc.);
  3. Equitable Siting and Hosting of Energy Infrastructure (e.g., siting processes and impact on communities, hosting of current energy infrastructure, community benefit packages, etc.);
  4. Equitable Access to Clean Energy (e.g., expanding participation in customer programs, expanded and enhanced clean energy financing programs, etc.); and
  5. Utility Performance and Tracking (e.g., increased reporting and transparency, disconnection moratoriums, modified accounting practices for non-payment, etc.).

Working Groups

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

In response to 2022 Legislative resolutions (SCR 242, SR 133, HR 43) the PUC convened a working group in September 2022, in collaboration with the Consumer Advocate to “create a Hawaii Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program to assist low-income households with paying for their home energy.” The Working Group met monthly through December 2022, resulting in a report to the Hawaii State Legislature with findings and recommendations for the creation of a LIHEAP in Hawaii. The Working Group plans to continue to meet through 2023. with findings and recommendations for the creation of a LIHEAP in Hawaii. The Working Group plans to continue to meet through 2023.

Energy Equity Hui

Commission staff members participate in the Energy Equity Hui, a statewide government-nongovernment collaborative working to ensure equitable transformation in our quest to meet our 2045 clean energy goals.

Key Orders


To see more and view all filed documents in the docket, see Docket No. 2022-0250.

For more information about this docket, interested parties may also reach out to Mike Wallerstein at [email protected].

Updated 3/2025